
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2023

History and Significance of Fexticum in Monsefú

 ## History and Significance of Fexticum in Monsefú Fexticum is a traditional cultural fair held in Monsefú, Peru, every year during the month of July. The fair celebrates the rich culture and heritage of the region, including its food, handicrafts, music, and dance[1][2][3]. The fair has been held annually since 1973 and is named after the Feria de Exposiciones Típico Culturales de Monsefú[3]. The fair is the largest costumbrista fair in the Lambayeque region and is included in the National Tourist Calendar of Peru[2][4]. It features exhibitions, cultural shows, live music, traditional dances, and a national marinera contest[2][4]. Fexticum is a popular event that attracts visitors from all over the country and beyond[1][2]. Fexticum was created in 1973 by Professor Limberg Chero Ballena, who characterized Monsefú as a party district, since festivals are held throughout the year[2]. The fair is the most significant contribution to the Lambayecan identity and is considered the sour...

Traditional Dishes Served During FEXTICUM

 ## Traditional Dishes Served During FEXTICUM Fexticum is a traditional cultural fair held in Monsefú, Peru, every year during the month of July. The fair celebrates the rich culture and heritage of the region, including its food, handicrafts, music, and dance[1][2]. While the search results do not provide an extensive list of traditional dishes served during Fexticum, we can infer from the information available that the fair showcases the cuisine of Monsefú and the Lambayeque region. According to one source, some of the traditional dishes served during Fexticum include thickening the monsefuana, stew with lifes, tortilla of ray, ceviche with pruning, and dried meat[3]. However, it is unclear if these dishes are served at the fair or are simply traditional dishes of the region. The fair celebrates the rich culture and heritage of Monsefú and the Lambayeque region, including its cuisine. Some of the traditional dishes served during Fexticum may include thickening the monsefuana, ste...

Origin of the Name FEXTICUM

 ## Origin of the Name FEXTICUM Fexticum is a traditional cultural fair held in Monsefú, Peru, every year during the month of July. The fair celebrates the rich culture and heritage of the region, including its food, handicrafts, music, and dance[1][2][3]. The fair has been held annually since 1973 and is named after the Feria de Exposiciones Típico Culturales de Monsefú by an initiative of the professor Limberg Chero Ballena [3].  The fair was created in 1973 at the initiative of Professor Limberg Chero Ballena, who characterized Monsefú as a party district, since festivals are held throughout the year[1][2]. The fair is the most significant contribution to the Lambayecan identity and is considered the source of the tradition, flavor, and culture of the region[2]. The fair showcases the customs, cultural creativity, cuisine, crafts, and festive muchick culture of Monsefú[4]. The fair celebrates the rich culture and heritage of the region and is considered the source of the tr...

Fexticum : traditional cultural fair held in Monsefú, Peru

Fexticum is a traditional cultural fair held in Monsefú, Peru, every year during the month of July. The fair celebrates the rich culture and heritage of the region, including its food, handicrafts, music, and dance[1][2][3]. Fexticum is the largest costumbrista fair in the Lambayeque region and is included in the National Tourist Calendar of Peru[2][4]. The fair features exhibitions, cultural shows, live music, traditional dances, and a national marinera contest[2][4]. The fair has been held annually since 1973 and is named after the Feria de Exposiciones Típico Culturales de Monsefú by Limberg Chero Ballena[3]. Fexticum is a popular event that attracts visitors from all over the country and beyond[1][2]. Citations: [1] https://www.fexticum.org.pe/?m=1 [2] https://www.ytuqueplanes.com/festividades/detalle/fexticum-feria-de-exposiciones-tipico-culturales-de-monsefu [3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monsef%C3%BA [4] https://allevents.in/org/fexticum/11174548

FEXTICUM 2023: 50 Jahre Tradition und Kultur in Monsefú feiern.

Die Stadt Monsefú im Departement Lambayeque befindet sich in voller Aufregung, während sie sich auf den 50. Hochzeitstag des FEXTICUM vorbereitet, der wichtigsten Volksmesse in der Region. Mit über dreitausend Jahren kultureller Traditionen, tief verwurzelt in der lokalen Identität, verspricht dieses Fest ein unvergessliches Erlebnis für alle Liebhaber von Kultur, Gastronomie und Musik aus dem Norden Perus zu werden. Das Erbe von fünf Jahrzehnten: Seit seinen bescheidenen Anfängen im Jahr 1973, als Professor Limberg Chero Ballena die Initiative ergriff, um die alten kulturellen Ausdrucksformen von Monsefú wiederzubeleben, ist FEXTICUM zu einer emblematischen Veranstaltung herangewachsen, die in der Region unauslöschliche Spuren hinterlassen hat. Trotz der Herausforderungen des Klimas und der Pandemie hat diese Messe ihren Ursprung bewahrt und sich weiterentwickelt, indem sie sogar ihre Shows und Dienstleistungen in den schwierigsten Zeiten virtualisiert hat. Ein einzigartiges Erlebnis ...

FEXTICUM 2023:庆祝蒙塞夫50周年的传统与文化。

位于兰巴耶克省的蒙塞夫市正在为庆祝FEXTICUM的金婚纪念日而热火朝天地准备。作为该地区最重要的民俗盛会,FEXTICUM深植于当地身份认同的三千多年文化传统,对于所有热爱文化、美食和来自秘鲁北部的音乐的人来说,这次庆典将是一次难忘的体验。 五十年的传承: 从1973年起,当时的利姆贝尔格·切罗·巴列纳教授发起了对蒙塞夫古老文化表达的重新评估,FEXTICUM从其谦虚的起步逐渐发展成为一项具有象征意义的盛会,并在该地区留下了不可磨灭的印记。尽管面临气候挑战和疫情的考验,这个盛会始终保持其本质,并在最困难的时刻甚至将演出和服务虚拟化。 秘鲁独特的体验: FEXTICUM,其名称代表蒙塞夫典型文化展览博览会,远不止一场简单的博览会。它是对蒙塞夫历史和文化丰富性的致敬,这是一个以信仰、企业家精神和欢乐为荣的小镇。在博览会期间,街道和广场变成了充满色彩的舞台,充斥着音乐、民俗舞蹈,以及超过50道原创美食的美食供应,每一道菜都展现了不同时期文化融合的地道风味。 令人愉悦的美食: FEXTICUM的一大亮点是其精致的美食供应。游客将有机会品尝采用土著食材如鸭肉、生鱼(一种古老的河鱼)和火鸡制作的象征性菜肴。这些地道的口味和烹饪多样性反映了经过几个世纪丰富蒙塞夫美食的历史和文化融合。从著名的鸭肉炒饭(Arroz con Pato)到美味的鲷鱼腌鱼(Ceviche de Toyo),最挑剔的味蕾都能在每一口中找到独特的烹饪体验。 音乐、舞蹈和艺术: FEXTICUM也是一场音乐和舞蹈盛会。游客将有机会欣赏乐团的现场表演,库恰舞和蒙塞夫风格的马林巴舞将用欢乐和能量填满整个氛围。此外,他们还可以观看全国马林巴舞比赛,这是一场因舞者的优雅和技巧而脱颖而出的比赛。不容错过的手工艺品展示,通过每一种色彩斑斓的刺绣和图案展示了蒙塞夫的文化遗产。 前所未有的庆典: 为了庆祝FEXTICUM的金婚纪念日,一系列特别活动已经计划,使这个版本更加壮观。面包和手工艺品节目已加入到节目中,展示了蒙塞夫在不失传统的前提下适应当前挑战的创新能力。这个盛会承诺将游客沉浸在一个迷人的传统世界中,充满了美食、音乐和独特舞蹈的爆炸,庆祝这个社区的身份和韧性。 感受这一盛会的呼唤: FEXTICUM是一个独特的机会,可以了解和享受蒙塞夫丰富的文化,同时为秘鲁北部的发展做出贡献。它不仅是一场民俗节日,更是一种身份的表达...

FEXTICUM 2023 : Célébration des 50 ans de tradition et de culture à Monsefú.

La ville de Monsefú, dans le département de Lambayeque, est en pleine effervescence alors qu'elle se prépare à célébrer les noces d'or du FEXTICUM, la foire folklorique la plus importante de la région. Avec plus de trois mille ans de traditions culturelles et ancrée dans l'identité locale, cette festivité promet d'être une expérience inoubliable pour tous les amateurs de culture, de gastronomie et de musique du nord du Pérou. L'Héritage de cinq décennies : Depuis ses modestes débuts en 1973, lorsque le professeur Limberg Chero Ballena a pris l'initiative de revaloriser les manifestations culturelles millénaires de Monsefú, le FEXTICUM a connu une croissance exponentielle pour devenir un événement emblématique qui a laissé une empreinte indélébile dans la région. Malgré les défis climatiques et la pandémie, cette foire a su maintenir son essence et continuer d'évoluer, en virtualisant même ses spectacles et ses services lors des moments les plus difficiles. U...

FEXTICUM 2023: Celebrating 50 Years of Tradition and Culture in Monsefú.

The city of Monsefú, in the Department of Lambayeque, is in full effervescence as it prepares to celebrate the Golden Wedding Anniversary of FEXTICUM, the most important folk fair in the region. With over three thousand years of cultural traditions deeply rooted in the local identity, this festivity promises to be an unforgettable experience for all lovers of culture, gastronomy, and music from northern Peru. The Legacy of Five Decades: From its modest beginnings in 1973, when Professor Limberg Chero Ballena took the initiative to revalue Monsefú's ancient cultural expressions, FEXTICUM has grown to become an emblematic event that has left an indelible mark on the region. Despite the climate challenges and the pandemic, this fair has maintained its essence and continued to evolve, even virtualizing its shows and services during the most difficult times. A Unique Experience in Peru: FEXTICUM, whose name stands for Typical-Cultural Exhibition Fair of Monsefú, is much more than a simp...

FEXTICUM 2023: Celebrando 50 años de tradición y cultura en Monsefú

La ciudad de Monsefú, en el Departamento de Lambayeque, se encuentra en plena efervescencia mientras se prepara para celebrar las Bodas de Oro del FEXTICUM, la feria costumbrista más importante de la región.  Monsefú o Omaensaefaec es un pueblo originario con más de tres mil años de tradiciones culturales y arraigada en la identidad local. Monsefú celebra el FEXTICUM desde 1973. En 2023 esta festividad promete ser una experiencia inolvidable para todos los amantes de la cultura, la gastronomía y la música del norte del Perú. El legado de cinco décadas: Desde sus modestos comienzos en 1973, cuando el profesor Limberg Chero Ballena tuvo la iniciativa de revalorar las manifestaciones culturales milenarias de Monsefú, el FEXTICUM ha crecido hasta convertirse en un evento emblemático que ha dejado una huella imborrable en la región. A pesar de los desafíos climáticos y la pandemia, esta feria ha mantenido su esencia y ha seguido evolucionando, incluso virtualizando sus espectáculos y se...

Fexticum de Monsefú is a traditional cultural fair held in Monsefú, Peru

Fexticum de Monsefú is a traditional cultural fair held in Monsefú, Peru, every year during the month of July. The fair celebrates the rich culture and traditions of the Lambayeque region, and features a variety of activities, including: Exhibitions of traditional crafts and foods: Visitors can browse through a variety of stalls selling traditional crafts, such as textiles, jewelry, and ceramics. There are also many stalls selling delicious regional foods, such as ceviche, seco de cabrito, and arroz con pato. Live music and dance performances: There are always live music and dance performances throughout the fair, featuring traditional Lambayeque music and dance. Some of the most popular dances include marinera, an special North Peruvian Dance. The election of Señorita Fexticum: The highlight of the fair is the election of Señorita Fexticum, a beauty pageant that celebrates the beauty and culture of the Lambayeque region. The winner of the pageant is crowned Señorita Fexticum and becom...