Northern Marinera to take center stage in Chiclayo this July: FEXTICUM 2023

Monsefú prepares to break records at the FEXTICUM 2023 Marinera Contest.

Get ready to witness the vibrant rhythm and captivating elegance of Northern Marinera as Chiclayo becomes the epicenter of this iconic dance in July for FEXTICUM 2023.

Chiclayo, July 10, 2023 - In the context of the Golden Anniversary of Fexticum, the historic city of Monsefú is gearing up for an unprecedented event in the world of marinera. On July 28th, the participation of outstanding marinera dancers from all over the North of the country is expected, as they gather at Monsefú's Main Park to celebrate the national dance and showcase their incomparable talent to the world.

The coordination between the Lambayeque Regional Government and the Monsefú District Municipality has given rise to a unique initiative. This event, which precedes the highly anticipated National Marinera Contest on July 29th, 2023, promises to be an unforgettable spectacle that will captivate dance enthusiasts and elevate Monsefú's name as the epicenter of Northern marinera.

One of the highlights of this day will be the presentation of the "Marinera Parade," where numerous marinera dancers from different parts of the North of the country will come together in a display of talent, grace, and passion for this traditional dance. It will be a burst of color, music, and movement that will delight attendees and showcase the cultural richness that characterizes the region.

But that's not all, Monsefú has a special surprise prepared for this day. During the event, a flash mob called "Dance with Me, Tourist" will take place, where everyone present can join in and experience the joy and enthusiasm of dancing to the rhythm of the marinera, infecting both locals and visitors with happiness.

Furthermore, this magnificent event on July 28th will serve as a prelude to the prestigious National Marinera Contest on July 29th, 2023, bringing together the best exponents of this emblematic dance in a high-level competition.

The Monsefú District Municipality invites the entire community, tourists, and marinera enthusiasts to be part of this historic event. Get ready to enjoy an unforgettable spectacle, where passion, talent, and tradition will merge in a unique celebration honoring our culture and roots.


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